Regulation Approval Notice

The Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery (MPBSD) has approved and finalized the administrative penalty regulation supporting the Act.

Regulation Approval Notice

Dear Stakeholder,

This is to inform you that the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery (MPBSD) has approved and finalized the administrative penalty regulation supporting the Act.

The regulation takes effect on April 1st, 2023 and it gives Ontario One Call the ability to use administrative penalties as a new compliance tool to support industry locate performance improvement. Click here to access the Regulation.

Details of the administrative penalty system and its implementation will be communicated shortly.

Ontario One Call’s approach

Part of Ontario One Call’s mission is to promote collaboration between underground infrastructure owners, operators and excavators to ensure safe digging and timely locates, which are essential in an era where Ontario is in build mode.

One Call will adopt a proactive and measured approach to encourage safe excavation and better locate performance. We will work with underground infrastructure owners individually, recognizing that context, good conduct, and efforts to improve locate performance matter greatly.

In addition, we invite all stakeholders to review the Rules and Policies documents that will be posted on our website next week. These important documents outline buried infrastructure owners’ and excavators’ obligations, and how to stay compliant. They combine everything that stakeholders need to know about the law, by-laws, and regulations, and how to apply them.

Our commitment to support you

We are here to help you every step of the way to improve locate delivery performance across the industry and stay compliant.

We invite you to participate in our webinar with all industry stakeholders to review the Regulation, the administrative penalty system and provide assistance in navigating these changes. The webinar will take place on Monday February 13, 2023 from 12 pm to 1:30 pm. Please click here to register.

We will continue to keep you updated in the form of emails, website updates, educational materials and new courses, and through our social media channels.

Please share this email with the appropriate parties within your organization.

Questions? Please contact

The Ontario One Call Team
844-257-9490 ext. 8809

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