About Ontario One Call

Established in 1996, Ontario One Call is a public safety administrative authority that acts as a communications link between buried infrastructure owners and individuals who are planning to dig in the province of Ontario.

About Ontario One Call

Who We Are

Ontario One Call is a public safety administrative authority. We play a vital role in protecting the public and underground infrastructure.

Ontario One Call spreads dig safe and click before you dig messaging, provides a locate request system that streamlines communications between those who want to dig with the owners of buried infrastructure, and regulates the public locate industry.

In 2012, the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act was passed, which stipulates that by law, anyone in the province of Ontario must contact Ontario One Call before they dig.

Though Ontario One Call does not physically mark the lines, pipes, or cables, we relay all dig information to the buried infrastructure owners so they can mark (locate) based on the request you submit. Buried infrastructure owners will then deliver locates. Locates minimize the risk of infrastructure damage, loss of service, and injury.

Why is requesting a locate and digging safely important?

Our Mission

We protect Ontario communities from the loss of service and harm caused by damages to underground infrastructure by educating the public on the need to Click Before You Dig.

We provide a locate request process that is reliable, timely and easy to use.

Our Core Values

At Ontario One Call, we are Reliable Experts who Care.


We are dependable and accessible.


We have the mindset
to lead innovation.


We ensure the safety and well-being of our communities.