Locate Sharing

Locate Sharing

Please fill out the form below if you intend to share locates you have received with another excavator.

NOTE: Be advised that excavators are ultimately responsible for digging safely, even if they have received locates shared by another excavator. Please also be advised that only the excavator who submitted the original locate request can share a locate – nobody can share a locate that was previously shared with them.

Sharing Excavator Information

Please fill out this section with information about the excavator SHARING the locates. This information should pertain to the person who submitted the initial locate request to Ontario One Call.
Will you be sharing the locates with more than one company/excavator?(Required)


Receiving Excavator Information

Please fill out this section with information about the excavator RECEIVING the shared locates.
Please separate answers using a comma (ex. Joe Smith, Fake Excavators, 555-555-5555, 710899, fakeemail@fakedomain.com). If you would like to share locates with more than three additional excavators, please send a spreadsheet containing the names, phone numbers, & emails for all excavators receiving locates to sharedlocates@ontarioonecall.ca
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.