On September 10, 2024, Ontario One Call held its Annual and Special Members’ Meeting (ASMM) at 1:15 p.m. as part of our inaugural Conference and Trade Show. The meeting, hosted virtually and in person at Woodbine Banquet Hall, adjourned at 2:03 p.m.
Members cast 51 total votes (Proxies and Digital Ballots combined). All motions before the Membership were supported. The details are below. We thank all Members and stakeholders who took the time to vote either by proxy, virtually or in person. We also thank stakeholders for joining the ASMM meeting. A recording of the meeting can be found here.
Highlights of the Meeting
OOC’s Chair Mitch Panciuk spoke of the important governance and organizational achievements of Ontario One Call throughout 2023 and the organization’s future vision as a Public Safety Administrative Authority. He thanked the outgoing members of the Board for their dedication and service to the organization.
OOC’s President and CEO Jim Keech provided insights on the strategic plan of the organization, the investment priorities, the financial plan, and the proposed changes to by-laws that were before the Members for decision at this meeting. Jim also highlighted the importance of partnership and collaboration across the industry.
Thank you to the Provincial Government – Both the Board Chair and the CEO extended a special thank you to the Government for their commitment to invest in the organization and to the ministry staff for their guidance and partnership this past year. |