Ontario One Call (OOC) launches new enforcement activities webpage. 

OOC launches new enforcement activities webpage as required under the Act to make all Administrative Penalty (AP) enforcement activities available to the public. This is also a great opportunity for OOC to be open and transparent about its compliance activities.  

On June 13, 2024, OOC issued its first AP for digging without locates. 

As a Public Safety Administrative Authority, Ontario One Call’s priority is safety. We take incidents that may jeopardize public safety very seriously due to the potential risk to communities and infrastructure. Administrative Penalties are used to promote compliance, prevent a party from deriving an economic benefit from breaking the law, and to deter a repeat occurrence. 

The administrative penalty regulation took effect on May 1st, 2024. Anyone who receives an Administrative Penalty may appeal the decision to the Ontario Land Tribunal. Please review our dispute and policy webpage. Ontario One Call is required by law to publish a summary of the penalty after the appeal period has passed or after the tribunal has made a ruling to uphold or vary the penalty.  

You can find more information regarding Ontario One Call’s first AP here.