Enforcement Activities

Enforcement Activities

As a Public Safety Administrative Authority, Ontario One Call’s priority is safety. We take incidents that may jeopardize public safety very seriously due to the potential risk to communities and infrastructure. Administrative Penalties are used to promote compliance, prevent a party from deriving an economic benefit from breaking the law, and to deter a repeat occurrence.

The administrative penalty regulation took effect on May 1st, 2024. Anyone who receives an Administrative Penalty may appeal the decision to the Ontario Land Tribunal. Please review our dispute and policy webpage. Ontario One Call is required by law to publish a summary of the penalty after the appeal period has passed or after the tribunal has made a ruling to uphold or vary the penalty. The table below provides details of Ontario One Call’s enforcement activities.

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TitleAdministrative Penalty No.ContraventionApplicable Section of the Act or Reg.Date of Administrative PenaltyPenalty AmountAdditional Daily PenaltiesTotalAppeal Documents
Royal Crown Construction24-02113-01Commencement of Excavation or Dig without a LocateSubsection 10 (1) of the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012, S.O. 2012, c. 4 Regulation 87/23February 6, 2025$ 10,000$ 0$ 10,000None
North Frontenac Telephone Company24-01318-01 and 24-01318-01.01Late Advanced (Specified) Locate Subsection 6 (2) of the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012, S.O. 2012, c. 4 Regulation 87/23 September 25, 2024$ 300$ 4,800$ 5,100None
North Frontenac Telephone Company24-01318-02 and 24-01318-02.01Late Advanced (Specified) Locate Subsection 6 (2) of the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012, S.O. 2012, c. 4 Regulation 87/23 September 25, 2024$ 300$ 4,800$ 5,100None
North Frontenac Telephone Company24-01318-03 and 24-01318-03.01Late Advanced (Specified) Locate Subsection 6 (2) of the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012, S.O. 2012, c. 4 Regulation 87/23 September 25, 2024$ 300$ 4,800$ 5,100None
North Frontenac Telephone Company24-01318-04 and 24-01318-04.01Late Advanced (Specified) Locate Subsection 6 (2) of the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012, S.O. 2012, c. 4 Regulation 87/23 September 25, 2024$ 300$ 4,800$ 5,100None
North Frontenac Telephone Company24-01318-05 and 24-01318-05.01Late Advanced (Specified) Locate Subsection 6 (2) of the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012, S.O. 2012, c. 4 Regulation 87/23 September 25, 2024$ 300$ 4,800$ 5,100None
North Frontenac Telephone Company24-01318-06 and 24-01318-06.01Late Advanced (Specified) Locate Subsection 6 (2) of the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012, S.O. 2012, c. 4 Regulation 87/23 September 25, 2024$ 300$ 4,800$ 5,100None
North Frontenac Telephone Company24-01318-07 and 24-01318-07.01Late Advanced (Specified) Locate Subsection 6 (2) of the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012, S.O. 2012, c. 4 Regulation 87/23 September 25, 2024$ 300$ 4,800$ 5,100None
North Frontenac Telephone Company24-01318-08 and 24-01318-08.01Late Advanced (Specified) Locate Subsection 6 (2) of the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012, S.O. 2012, c. 4 Regulation 87/23 September 25, 2024$ 300$ 4,800$ 5,100None
North Frontenac Telephone Company24-01318-09 and 24-01318-09.01Late Advanced (Specified) Locate Subsection 6 (2) of the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012, S.O. 2012, c. 4 Regulation 87/23 September 25, 2024$ 300$ 4,800$ 5,100None
North Frontenac Telephone Company24-01318-10 and 24-01318-10.01Late Advanced (Specified) Locate Subsection 6 (2) of the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012, S.O. 2012, c. 4 Regulation 87/23 September 25, 2024$ 300$ 4,800$ 5,100None
Telus24-01115-01Late Specified RequestSubsection 6 (2) of the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012, S.O. 2012, c. 4 Regulation 87/23August 26, 2024$ 300$ 0$ 300None
Palcon Excavating24-00989-01Commencement of Excavation or Dig without a LocateSubsection 10(1) of the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012, S.O. 2012, c. 4 Regulation 87/23August 26, 2024$ 10,000$ 0$ 10,000None
Rogers Communications24-01213-01Late Specified RequestSubsection 6 (2) of the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012, S.O. 2012, c. 4 Regulation 87/23August 21, 2024$ 300$ 0$ 300None
Toronto Transit Commission24-00424-01Selection of Dedicated LocatorParagraph (a) of subsection 7 (7) of the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012, S.O. 2012, c. 4 Regulation 87/23 August 19, 2024$ 250$ 0$ 250None
VMP Hydro-vac Services Inc.24-00615-01Commencement of Excavation or Dig without a Locate.Subsection 10(1) of the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012, S.O. 2012, c. 4 Regulation 87/23June 13, 2024$ 10,000$ 0$ 10,000None
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