Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Ontario One Call is committed to protecting the privacy of any personal information you may provide when calling us, visiting our website, or contacting us in some other way. We also protect any personal information we receive from third parties in the course of carrying out our statutory objects. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to explain what personal information may be collected, how it will be used and who may have access to it.
Following is an overview of our privacy practices.


Ontario One Call is a not-for-profit corporation established pursuant to the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012 and its associated regulations (the “Act”). Currently, the objects of the Act are:

  1. To operate a call system to receive excavator requests for the location of underground infrastructure within Ontario.
  2. To identify for excavators whether underground infrastructure is located in the vicinity of a proposed excavation or dig site.
  3. To notify a member of Ontario One Call of proposed excavations or digs that may affect the underground infrastructure of the member.
  4. To raise public awareness of Ontario One Call and the need for safe digging. (The “Statutory Objects”)

Pursuant to the Act, Ontario One Call has certain members who may obtain personal information when Ontario One Call fulfils its statutory objects. These members include:

  1. Every municipality in Ontario.
  2. Hydro One Inc., as defined in the Electricity Act, 1998.
  3. Ontario Power Generation Inc., as defined in the Electricity Act, 1998.
  4. Every gas distributor and every gas transmitter, as those terms are defined in the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998.
  5. Every operator of a distribution system, as defined in the Electricity Act, 1998.
  6. Every person or entity regulated under the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act.
  7. Every person or entity that owns or operates underground infrastructure that crosses a public right of way or is in the vicinity of a public right of way.

It is important to understand that we may share your personal information with any member connected to your requests to us, as set out in the “How We Collect, Use and Disclose Your Personal Information” section below.

Your Consent

Feedback about the delivery of services to persons with disabilities is welcomed, as it may identify areas that require change and assist in continuous service improvement. Such feedback may be forwarded by telephone, in person, in writing, by email, on USB or otherwise. Ontario One Call will make best efforts to provide a response in the same format in which the feedback was received. Where possible, feedback will be addressed immediately. Some feedback may, however, require more effort to address and may need to be reviewed before an action is taken. Ontario One Call will respond within 21 working days to all formal feedback.

Personal Information

If you direct an enquiry to Ontario One Call, we will ask you to provide your name, telephone number,
mailing address, e-mail address, fax number and other information for the purpose of responding to
your enquiry. Ontario One Call may also receive permit documents, maps, site plans, sketches, and other excavation or underground infrastructure-related information directly or indirectly in order to fulfil its objects, with some of these items containing personal information as well. Ontario One Call may issue login and password details in order to keep its systems secure. You may also wish to provide other kinds of personal information if you interact with our staff or systems.

How We Collect, Use, and Disclose Your Personal Information

As part of our mandate, we collect, use and disclose your personal information in order to process your
enquiries, provide you with services, and to understand your needs so that we can serve you better.

Only those who “need to know” will have access to your personal information. Those persons may
include Ontario One Call’s employees and agents, as well as members, excavators, contractors and other interested parties with a connection to a given excavation request.

From time to time we engage third parties and their affiliates, agents and subcontractors (“service
providers”) to perform certain technological or administrative services. For example, a service provider
may take calls, emails and faxes from contractors and homeowners, search for and locate tickets,
manage site plans and sketches and send them to the proper members, provide information technology services to us, host and administer our website, process and store data, and fulfill similar technology-related functions on our behalf. In these circumstances, the personal information that the service provider receives is limited to the personal information that they need in order to render their service to us. Service providers are required to sign an agreement that obliges them to keep your personal information confidential and secure and prohibits them from using it for unauthorized purposes.

Specifically, we may collect, use or disclose your personal information for the following purposes:

  • Fulfilling our statutory objects, which may be amended from time to time.
  • Operating a call system to receive excavator requests for the location of underground infrastructure within Ontario.
  • Identifying for excavators whether underground infrastructure is located in the vicinity of a proposed excavation or dig site. 806 Gordon St, Guelph, ON, NIG 1Y7
  • Notifying a member of Ontario One Call of proposed excavations or digs that may affectthe underground infrastructure of the member.
  • Responding to your enquiries and managing the provision of services to you.
  • Managing invoicing, accounting and information security services related to our interactions with you.
  • Fulfilling orders or enquiries relating to our online store or marketing department.
    • Monitoring your satisfaction with our services and the services of our service providers.
    • Fraud detection, network security and identification purposes.
  • Fulfilling purposes permitted or required by law, such as:
    • Complying with a subpoena or warrant issued or an order made by a court, person or body with jurisdiction to compel the production of information;
    • Co-operating with law enforcement and to protect against violations of criminal or civil laws;
    • Acting in respect of an emergency that threatens the life, health or security of an individual; or
    • Fulfilling the request of a government institution that has made a request for the information and has lawful authority to obtain the information.
  • Sending you electronic or print communications to further our statutory objects, including newsletters, publications, announcements, invitations and other news or information. Ontario One Call may use Google Analytics to collect non-identifying information for marketing purposes. You may opt out of receiving marketing materials by contacting to our Privacy Officer using the contact information provided below.

Security Practices

Ontario One Call is committed to protecting your privacy. Security measures, such as restricted access
and the use of passwords have been adopted to protect your personal information against loss or theft,
as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification. Our employees and service
providers have been trained to respect your privacy at all times. Our employees and service providers
who have access to your personal information are required to use it strictly in accordance with our Privacy Policy and applicable laws.

Retention Policies

Ontario One Call, its service providers, and its members will keep your personal information only as long as it remains necessary or relevant for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy or as required by law.

Personal information is disposed of securely according to a records retention schedule. The current
policy mandates a seven-year retention period for any given document unless at the end of the normal
retention period, that document is required to fulfil the statutory objects.

Our website may provide links to third-party websites that do not operate under our Privacy Policy.
When you click through to these websites, our Privacy Policy no longer applies. We recommend that you examine the privacy statements of any third-party websites you visit to understand their procedures for collecting, using, and disclosing your information. Ontario One Call makes no promises, warranties or representations about these third party websites and bears no liability whatsoever for your use of them.

Logging Practices

Ontario One Call logs HTTP requests to our web server. These logs record the IP address of site visitors. An IP address is the number automatically assigned to the computer or to the ISP (Internet Service Provider) requesting a URL.

Our logging is passive and we do not use technologies such as “cookies” or “web bugs” to maintain any information on site visitors. Logged information, also known as clickstream data, is recorded in nonidentifiable form and is used by our staff or our subcontractors for system administration. Log files are archived and used for systems analysis, maintenance and site evaluation.

Verifying and Amending Your Personal Information

Ontario One Call tries to ensure that all personal information about you that is in our possession is
accurate, complete and up-to-date. To enable us to do so, please contact us with any changes to the information you have provided to us. You can inquire about, access and review your personal information held by Ontario One Call and make corrections to it. Please contact our service centre at 1-800-400-2255 for assistance with these matters.

In some cases, such as when your personal information is commingled with the personal information of
other individuals, Ontario One Call may be prevented from disclosing the requested information to you.
If any request you make for access to personal information is denied, we will provide you with an

QUestions or Concerns

If you have any questions or concerns about Ontario One Call’s collection, use and disclosure practices,
please let us know and we will do our best to help you.

You may contact our office at

You may also send any enquiries via our corporate offices:

Ontario One Call
Attention: Privacy Officer
1-104 Cooper Road
Guelph, Ontario
N1C 1C3
Phone: 519-265-8006