Excavators, the law has changed!

Legislation changes
and how they affect Excavators

The law has changed! Here is an overview of some of the most significant changes and what you can do to stay compliant.

What you need to know…

1) Sharing locates: Excavators can now share the locates. Tip: When requesting a locate add additional names of the people or companies you plan to share with. OUINS Act Section 11
– Get more details by checking out our Best Practice on Sharing Locates: Click Here
2) 30 day rule: Excavators can not request a locate  to be delivered unless they expect excavation to begin within 30 days.   OUINS Act Section  12 (1)
3) Do not dig without locates:  Excavators can not dig unless all locates are completed and all locates are valid – not expired. If locate markings are no longer visible they are considered expired. OUINS Act Section 10 (1) & (2)   and Section (8) (3)


Learn more about Bill 93 Click Here

Confused about the law? We are here to help you stay compliant!
We are preparing more resources to help you understand your responsibilities under the law. Make sure to check our website often!

For any questions, please contact us at Training@OntarioOneCall.ca


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